Pay Per Click Advertising – A potent way to boost your marketing efforts

Digital marketing can be multifaceted and even unclear. For one thing, it’s made up of so many diverse parts, including websites, social media, email, SMS, advertising and more. For another, each of these parts has its own set of benefits to you as the marketer and it can be difficult to know which areas to focus on, because it’s almost impossible to concentrate on all. Luckily, many of these channels can be mixed together to increase the influence and ROI of your digital marketing efforts. Pay Per Click Advertising , or PPC, is one of those marketing methodologies that can be carried out independently, used on its own as a form of online advertising, but can also be useful in carrying out research for or reinforcing the impact of other channels such as SEO, social and email. Although PPC is available through various channels, Google’s AdWords is the most ideal form of PPC. There isn’t any difference between PPC and AdWords, but usually people mean AdWords when they say PPC...