The significance of responsive web design and development

Responsive web design has pioneered website development for the past few years, transmuting the way businesses build their online presence. A website with responsive web design refers to a site that can adapt the screen it is being shown on, irrespective of what device it is. The website automatically resets itself to give the user a better experience that is well matched to their device, and can give your site several benefits as well as being in line with Google references.

In the past few years, the utilization of smartphones has grown tremendously. In 2014, only 22% turned to their phone first to browse the internet. Only 2/3rds of people even owned a smartphone. Since then, the release of 4G internet and other revolutionsinfluenced the way folks used mobile devices; throughout 2014, 4G subscriptions rise steeply from 2.7 million to 23.6 million.

Google introduced recommendations in the year 2015 that associated with responsive web design, and began rewarding sites that were fully optimized for mobile devices. Google started using mobile friendliness as a ranking signal in search results. Businesses began to take note of its importance since that announcement, but now Google has moved on to even bigger heights. Today, almost every website development company in Nigeria prefer responsive website design.

More lately, Google has taken a step further and has been realizing mobile-first indexing strategies. Mobile-first indexing bases ranking and indexing from the mobile version of a website, in contrary to the desktop format. If you already have a responsive web design, then you won’t need to change your websites. This is the latest job done by Google to further improve mobile web experience.

With responsive web design, all content and pages remain elastic across different screen resolutions and devices. Whether you’re experiencing a website on your smartphone or a desktop, it will be integrated and easy to moveregardless of differing screen sizes. Givingan improved experience for the user across the board, responsive web design means your user can read and navigate the site with the least resizing and scrolling.

Responsive web design can enhance user experience which will convert into a positive perception of your brand and business. If your customer can access your website feasibly on all platforms, they’re more likely to return to you for more business in the future and it more than likely means a higher conversion rate for your website. In a world where so much traffic comes from mobile devices, it’s important that you’re accommodating this factor through your website.

Along with seeking affordable SEO services in Nigeria, do pay attention to responsive design. Responsive web design, and mobile-first indexing, is now also crucial as a ranking factor, as stated earlier. Sites that are responsive will typically load quicker which is likely to improve your ranking and reduce your bounce rate. Responsive web design can also make social sharing feasible, helping you to grow a large audience for your business.


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